About Us

UAMAZE is a cultural initiative aimed at popularizing Petrykivka and Samchykivka paintings.

Ukrainian cultural heritage is part of our cultural code. And it can be modern and stylish. Our goal is to show this and introduce the paintings to as many Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad as possible.

We teach painting at our School of Masters, encourage people to learn about it at master classes, and create stylish corporate designs and modern souvenirs.

We strive to ensure that both ordinary Ukrainians and large companies are not ashamed of gifts with ethnic elements.

Про нас

UAMAZE – це культурна ініціатива, мета якої – популяризувати Петриківський та Самчиківський розписи.

Українське культурне надбання – це частина нашого культурного коду. І воно може бути сучасним і стильним. Ми маємо на меті це показати та познайомити із розписами якомога більше українців в Україні та закордоном.

Ми навчаємо розпису в нашій Школі майстрів, заохочуємо дізнаватися про нього на майстер-класах, створюємо стильні корпоративні дизайни та сучасні сувеніри.

Ми прагнемо, щоб як пересічному українцю, так і великим компаніям було не соромно за подарунки з етно-елементами.

Ukrainian souvenirs are not just embroidery, candy and vodka with pepper

We have created high-quality stylish souvenirs, that are pleasant to receive as a gift
– this has already been proven by cooperation with large corporations.

Shop now

Ми створили якісні стильні сувеніри, які приємно отримати в подарунок
– це вже довела співпраця із великими корпораціями.


Each painting for our works is created by professional masters.

Providing them with jobs is one of our tasks, because we want craftsmen not to leave the profession, but to be in demand, to be able to support themselves with their craft and further develop the country’s cultural heritage.


UAMAZE is a business of like-minded people.

All the team members have many years of experience in marketing and advertising, and they have come together to revive traditional paintings, tell Ukrainians about them, and create a modern and stylish ethnic souvenir.

Founder Iryna Chyrkova was a marketing director of well-known brands.
The team also includes Executive Director Daria Vakulych, Customer and Supplier Relations Manager Olga Fedotova and Promotion Manager Maria Repetska.


The UAMAZE team includes professional masters of painting who work on creating designs and teach the craft at the School of Masters: at courses and master classes.

The main masters of Petrykivka painting are Yulia Rozhkova and Lyudmyla Bondarenko.

Yulia Rozhkova has been painting for almost 30 years and has many students and followers. She participates in exhibitions, paints large surfaces and is the author of many art objects.

Lyudmyla Bondarenko has been painting since childhood and has been teaching at UAMAZE studio for almost five years. She also has a degree in design and is the author of many art objects.

The main masters of Samchyky painting are Viktor Rakovskyi, Olha Polupan, and Yana Vlasenko-Bernatska.

Viktor Rakovsky is the director of an art school in the village of Samchyky. He is also a member of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine and a laureate of the regional award named after V. Rozvadovskyi.

Olha Polupan is a member of the National Union of Folk Art Masters of Ukraine, a teacher of Samchyky painting at the Samchyky art school.

Yana Vlasenko-Bernatska studied painting under the guidance of Viktor Rakovsky. She graduated with honors from the institute named after Boychuk, participated in the painting of art objects in the village of Samchyky and created several of her own paintings in the Samchyky technique in Kyiv.

Master classes and courses

Revival of Samchyky painting

In 2016, there were only four masters of Samchyky painting left in Ukraine. An important part of the Ukrainian cultural code was virtually on the verge of extinction, and almost no one knew about the painting itself.

We organized educational art tours to help artists find followers and pass on their knowledge.

In 2018, we released the first Samchyky calendar, which caused a real sensation – the print run was sold out all over the world (even in the USA, Asia and Australia).

In 2018, with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, the UAMAZE team turned the birthplace of the painting, the village of Samchyky, into an art village and began organizing tours there. This project allowed us to spread information about the painting to the public, and in 2019, the Samchyky painting was included in the register of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine, and the artists gained at least 70 followers.

More about Art Tours

Our clients:

We are written about:

«Маленьке село стало культурним туристичним простором»



У Києві презентували проект “Нове життя самчиківського розпису”



Нове життя Самчиківського розпису:



У Самчиках розмальовують хати



“A small village has become a cultural tourist destination”



“New Life of Samchyky Painting” project presented in Kyiv



New life of Samchyky painting:



Houses are beautifully painted in Samchyky

